Now fully compatible with iOS 9.
Minor depiction layout updates.
Massive Size Reduction. Thanks to @citrusui for suggesting this new method! ^_^
Killed Hayzap ads. Thanks to @iOSTonyKraft!
Added a new IPv6 Server for DoubleClick.
Decimated more Link Spam.
Blocked more German and Swedish Adservers by request.
Squashed Ars Technica’s stupid video ads. -_-
Improved popup blocking by request.
Added experimental method to improve YouTube Adblocking (Not Perfect!).
Removed many seemly redundant hosts. Let me know if any ads return.
Gave up on the email as I (arcetera) could never get it to work properly.
Blocked SayMedia Ads.
Unbroke some German apps by request.
Squashed Revcontent Link Spam.
Added Some French Adservers.
Fixed Other Misc Ads.
Removed many seemingly redundant adservers. Let me know if any ads return.
Last minute optimizations. Let me know if any ads return.
Blocked more ads on Spanish Language sites.
Unblocked AddThis to unbreak some sites.
Unbroke a major Danish news site.
Fixed Exoclick ads in IPv6.
Fixed more various types of ads.
Removed Waze Ad Blocking Due to lag and Safety Concerns.
Blocked Ads in PlayboxHD. You must delete the folder /var/mobile/Library/Caches/ to block the ads.
Blocked a German Adserver by Request.
Fixed TuneIn Radio App which was inadvertently broken.
Thwarted Kixer ads (again)!
Ads in Waze should now be blocked!
Vevo Ads should now be blocked!
New ads in Cydia squashed!
Killed ads served by a carrier in Singapore.
Fixed more Juicyads...
Blocked a few more banner ads, popups, and spammy interfaces.
Removed Chartbeat to un-break a few sites. -_-
Removed some seemingly redundant/unnecessary hosts. Let me know if any ads return.
Fixed many more in-app ads.
Blocked repo ads on HackYouriPhone. Please run iCleaner and clear Cydia’s caches to see this.
Blocked AdFly ads. Shouldn’t break anything. Please let me (ReddestDream) know if it does.
Fixed some sites with “auto-popups” as you scroll.
Blocked additional ads by request.
Improvements to ad blocking in the Eurosport app. (Popular Request!)
Clkrev popups squashed!
More fixes for various anime/manga sites.
Fixes for some Swedish sites by request.
Ads and popups blocked on some more download sites.
Removed many admob servers which appear to no longer be functioning.
Fixed a redirection issue on an Indian Carrier. Thanks to /u/adisin! ^_^
Minimal Hosts is now 19.4 KB up from 16 KB. I (ReddestDream) am still in need of feedback about this, especially on 512 MB RAM devices (iPad 2, iPhone 4s, iPod touch 5th generation, iPad mini 1st generation).
LOTS of backend updates have occured in the way I (arcetera) push Minimal Hosts to the repo. Please email me (arcetera, NOT ReddestDream) about ANY installation issues whatsoever.
Now fully tested on iOS 8.3/8.4!
Blocked ads under “More by this Developer” in Cydia. This is responsible for much of the size increase.
Removed some unreachable hosts.
Blocked web and video ads on some anime sites.
Blocked more banner ads in apps.
Blocked ads in Kik.
Minor changes to the text in the postinst/prerm scripts.
Fixed the depiction. This new repo,, is now the official repo for Minimal Hosts Blocker.
Unfortunately lost the previous changelog for 5.3-5.8...
Blocked more obnoxious MyRepoSpace ads.
Cleaned up Amazon Ad Blocking. Still not perfect.
Removed some seemingly redundant adservers from the early days.
Blocked a common adserver on anime websites.
Eradicated ZergNet Link Spam.
Blocked ads and video ads on the NBA sites.
Blocked several European Adservers! Thanks to DurianNinja and niXta-!
Blocked more Zedo ads.
Blocked the video ads in the CNBC app.
Fixed a minor issue with Javascripts on BigBoss.
Blocked a few more Japanese AdServers! Thanks to /u/DurianNinja!.
Blocked some popup ads.
Blocked a few other miscellaneous reported ads.
Fixed IPv6 blocking. Now, every adserver that has an IPv6 address should be blocked in both IPv4 and IPv6!
The above allows Minimal Hosts to continue working properly even on networks that support IPv6 (i.e., Verizon's cellular network).
Removed an unnecessary Google Server.
Eliminated two Adserver URLs that do not resolve (Dead Links).
Fixed the uninstallation script. Should properly uninstall now. Thanks to /u/Rustii87!